1. For “Word Mark”
If you click here and enter your trademark (consisting of word) and a “Similar group code” of goods/services of interest to you into each box, you can search for a trademark(s) which is identical with your mark and which covers (or is to cover) goods/services identical with or similar to the ones of interest to you, which can be an obstacle to registration of your trademark.
o A “Similar group code” is given to each group of goods/services practically considered to be similar to each other. You can have a “Similar group code” of goods/services of interest to you from the “List of Goods and Services”. Otherwise, click here, and you will simply be able to see a “Similar group code” of each goods/services listed in Class 1 to 45. Certain goods/services belong to two or more “Similar group codes”.
o This search does not cover trademarks which are similar to your trademark. If you wish to know registrability of your trademark more closely, including whether your trademark meets substantial requirements or not, you will have to instruct a trademark attorney to conduct a full search. Incidentally, our full search fees are as indicated below.
o Most Japanese people cannot distinguish between both sounds below.
L and R (e.g. light & right, long & wrong, lay & ray, lock & rock)
V and B (e.g. vase & base, vat & bat, vest & best, vote & boat)
S and TH (e.g. mouse & mouth, pass & path, sick & thick, sing & thing)
F and H (e.g. food & hood, feel & heel, force & horse, foam & home)
If, therefore, either letter is included in your trademark, you should conduct another search replacing one with the other. This will slightly enable you to conduct a search on similarity of your mark.
o Trademarks retrieved by this search are the ones which have been applied for registration in the Japan Patent Office, which have been registered in the JPO, which have been applied for extension to Japan with respect to international registration (IR), and which have been extended to Japan with respect to IR.
o If your word trademark incorporates a device element therein, you will further have to conduct a search 2 for it.
o Data for the past one or two months is not still available. For details, click the “Stored data”.
2. For “Device Mark”
If you click here and enter a “Figure Term” of your trademark (consisting of device) and a “Similar group code” of goods/services of interest to you into each box, you can search for a trademark(s) which is identical with or similar to your mark and which covers (or is to cover) goods/services identical with or similar to the ones of interest to you, which can be an obstacle to registration of your trademark.
o You can have a “Figure Term” of your trademark from the “Figure Term Lists”. However, of many trademarks given the same “Figure Term” as your mark, it would be difficult for you to tell all clearly which one(s) is similar or dissimilar to your mark. If so, see sentence 4 of the category “PROTECTION OF OVERSEAS TRADEMARKS IN JAPAN”. The Trial Decision cases listed therein will be some helpful to your judgment on similarity of device marks. If, however, you wish to know registrability of your trademark more closely, including whether your trademark meets substantial requirements or not, you will have to instruct a trademark attorney to conduct a full search. Incidentally, our full search fees are as indicated below.
o If your device trademark incorporates a word element therein, you will further have to conduct a search 1 for it.
o A “Similar group code”, kinds of trademarks retrieved here and newest data available here are as mentioned above.
3. If you click here and enter one or more key words of goods/services of interest to you into the “Goods and Services” box, you can search for a description of them which is acceptable to the Japan Paten Office as well as a “Similar group code” of them.
o You are of course allowed to make another description of goods/services in the application; however, it would be advisable to choose out of the existing descriptions to avoid an Official Action, if there is not any essential deference.
4. If you click here, you can search for trademarks well known in Japan.
o A well-known trademark can be cited to an application for registration of your mark, even if the specified goods/services are neither identical with nor similar to the ones to be covered by your mark, since the confusion between a well-known mark and your mark can cause even between certain goods/services dissimilar to each other.
o Not all the well-known trademarks are covered here.
5. Our Full Search
The search results (in case of one to three Classes) will be sent to you by e-mail or facsimile within four days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) on receipt of your order. Our total fees for conducting a full search are as follows:
- In one Class
24,000 Yen (mark consisting of word or device)
30,000 Yen (mark consisting of word and device)
- In two Classes
40,000 Yen (mark consisting of word or device)
50,000 Yen (mark consisting of word and device)
- In three Classes
55,000 Yen (mark consisting of word or device)
68,000 Yen (mark consisting of word and device)
- In four Classes
68,000 Yen (mark consisting of word or device)
85,000 Yen (mark consisting of word and device)
- In five Classes
79,000 Yen (mark consisting of word or device)
98,000 Yen (mark consisting of word and device)
- In six Classes
88,000 Yen (mark consisting of word or device)
110,000 Yen (mark consisting of word and device)
Should you require any further information about search for registrability of trademarks, please do not hesitate to contact us.